Undergraduate Design Certificate Program Outcomes

Recall & Describe Design and Business Principles

Recall and describe fundamental design and business principles, techniques, and tools essential for addressing various design, art, and business challenges. 

Apply Design Software and Technologies

Apply design software and technologies proficiently to create professional-quality work that could be used by themselves or other business professionals. 

Demonstrate Essentials in Business, Art, and Design

Demonstrate essential aspects of the business, art, and design environments, including project management, client relations, production techniques, business operations, and ethical practices. 

Compile A Comprehensize Portfolio

Compile and present a comprehensive portfolio that effectively showcases their design and business skills and creativity. 

Design Mastery Certificate (18 Credit Hours) 

AA201Design Foundations on Fire15 weeks3
AA202Introduction to Photoshop & InDesign15 weeks3
AA203Introduction to Illustrator15 weeks3
BB301Business Foundations for Designers and Artists15 weeks3
BB204*Methodology for Creative Innovations & Color Theory for Digital Technology15 weeks3
BB205*Methodology for Creative Innovations & Color Theory for Visual Art (May replace B204)15 weeks3
BB302Illustrator Drawing Academy15 weeks3
*Students may take either B204 or B205.

Surface Pattern Design Certificate  (15 Credit Hours) 

Digital Production Design Certificate (27 Credit Hours)

Art & Design Business Certificate (36 Credit Hours) 

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